District 10 Como Community Council

This Year, We Call the Shots

This Year, We Call the Shots

This Year, We Call the Shots

This would have been the weekend for the annual Citywide Spring Cleanup. Because of pandemic restrictions, it ain’t happening. But that doesn’t stop us from holding our personal DIY cleanup anytime this month. Some easy steps to follow:

  • Use your own trash bags; don’t forget to use gloves.
  • Select a local park, trail, boulevard, alley, or curbside.
  • Pick up trash (of course, maintain at least a 6-foot distance from anyone you don’t live with).
  • Recycle what you can; dispose of the rest in your home trash cart. Or, place your trash bag next to a park trash bin; they’ll pick it up.
  • Share your cleanup photos on social media using the hashtag #CitywideCleanup.

Also, Wednesday April 22 was the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. We can’t gather by the millions as people did in 1970. But:

  • Here are 16 things you can do at home to carry on the legacy of Earth Day.
  • Earth Day is a great excuse to clean the leaves and other debris from the storm drains near your home — whether you officially are part of the Adopt a Drain network or not. And if you are an active member, don’t forget to track your impact.
  • If nice weather inspires you to clean winter debris from your yard, your block, or a local park or schoolyard, take care not to damage emerging plants — or the habitat that overwintering pollinators depend on. Dave Crawford, a naturalist who lives in Como, recommends: “Avoid stepping where there are visible plant shoots or new leaves. When possible, walk on bare soil, rock, gravel, wood chips, fallen branches, or on surfaces that will spread your weight over a larger area and protect the soil and plants underneath. Mechanical grabber devices can help you reach farther without having to walk onto sensitive areas.” As for bees, the University of Minnesota Extension points out that many native bees nest in plant stems and may not emerge until as late as June. They urge you not to yank old stems from your garden beds until then. Or, if you absolutely must cut down the stems, pile them out of the way so bees can still emerge on their timetable, not ours.
  • As for another favorite spring activity, you can always report potholes to the city’s Public Works Department. Call 651-266-9700 or email potholes@ci.stpaul.mn.us.